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How to Apply

Food Vendor Prices

Commercial Vendor Prices

We are excited to announce that we have a new system to approve  food vendors and concessioners for the Wood County Fair. All Concessionaires need to fill out this application for EACH food spot you are requesting to bring to the fair.  Applications will be approved based on available space and need for products to enhance the fair. 


You are required to pay the deposit for the space when checking out. You will then be issued an invoice for the remaining balance that must be paid prior to the first day of the fair. You will be able to pay it all on line as we encourage you to do so. 


This year we will be creating an interactive map of the fair grounds for fair goers. You will be sent information about building your profile that will be tied to your spot on the map. This will allow fairgoers to find your location on the map and know what it is that your business has to offer. This will allow us to have better tracking and enhance our ability to promote your business. 


Should at any point you have any questions please contact the fair office at (419) 352-0441.

Food Vendor Space Rental

Electric Hook Up 110v

Electric Hook Up 220v

Electric charge for ice machine hook up/storage trailer

Vendor Camp Sit

Concessionaire Deposit 













Spaces for concessions are sold in 5 ft. increments with a 15 ft. minimum. We charge $125 per 5 feet of space reserved. Please make sure that you are selecting the correct amount of footage as that will be the amount of space your application will be based on.

This is the electric fee for your space. Each space gets one electric hook up for their space

This is the electric charge for your space. Each vendor gets one hook up per spot.

Should you have and Ice machine or stock trailer that requires electric this is the fee for the said Item. Please note that not all spots have the room for a stock trailer and some stock trailers may have to be placed at another location other than your vendor spot.

You are allowed to reserve one camping site in the vendor camping area per vendor spot that you have booked. This is a first come first serve basis. the site includes 30amp electric and water.

Each Concessionaire will be required to pay a deposit by May 1, 2023. The deposit will be taken off the final price when invoiced at a later date. You will be charged your deposit once you are approved for a spot at the 2023 fair.

Booth Space - Inside Building

Outside Booth Space

Electric Hook Up 220v

Electric Hook Up 110v

Table Rental - 8 ft 

Folding Chair Rental 

Vendor Ticket Book 

Daily Ticket
















This is for a 10X10 Space inside the grand stands you may get more than one space if you need more room.

This is for 10 feet of outside space Should you want a tent that you want the fair board to rent this will be done for an additional fee of the cost of the tent rental and you must contact the office prior to July 1 to secure this rental. You may select more space if needed by selecting the quantity please note that these spaces are 10 foot.

This is for a book of daily vendor admission tickets. A book consist of 8 tickets for the $30.00. Once purchased these tickets will be emailed to you and you will then have to either print them or email them to the people that need them. Each ticket is for one admission. Each worker will need a ticket to enter the fair.

This is for a single Vendor admission ticket. This is a one time use ticket. Each person will need their own ticket to enter the fair. Once you have purchased the ticket it will be emailed to you for you to print or email to the person who needs it.


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Phone: 419-352-0441
Address: 13800 W Poe Rd
                Bowling Green, OH 43402

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